Strength of Unani
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Strengths of Unani System of Medicine
What Makes Us So Powerful?

Unique concept of Temperament (Mizāj)
Unani System of Medicine believes that every individual has its own unique temperament according to their humoral constitution, lifestyle and environment. Any deviation from its normal temperament results into disease. The management of the disease depends upon the correction of altered temperament by using various regimens and drugs.
Unique concept of Temperament (Mizāj)
Unani System of Medicine believes that every individual has its own unique temperament according to their humoral constitution, lifestyle and environment. Any deviation from its normal temperament results into disease. The management of the disease depends upon the correction of altered temperament by using various regimens and drugs.

Holistic approach
For the management of a disease, Unani System of Medicine takes entire constitution of the individual and lifestyle into account for diagnosing and prescribing the treatment. Physicians select the drugs and regimens according to the temperament of the patient and nature of the disease.

Safe and radical cure of chronic ailments:
The thrust area of Unani System of Medicine is the management of chronic diseases. It provides radical and safe cure for various chronic disorders, such as psychoneurotic disorders, hepato-biliary disorders, gastro-intestinal disorders, metabolic disorders etc.
Safe and radical cure of chronic ailments
The thrust area of Unani System of Medicine is the management of chronic diseases. It provides radical and safe cure for various chronic disorders, such as psychoneurotic disorders, hepato-biliary disorders, gastro-intestinal disorders, metabolic disorders etc.

Prevention of disease and promotion of health
Apart from treating disease conditions, Unani System of Medicine lays great emphasis on the prevention of disease and promotion of existing health through principles of six essential factors of life. i.e. Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriya.
To abide by the following principles of Asbab Sitta Zarooriya (Six pre-requisites of healthy living)
1. Hawa (Air)
2. Makool o Mashroob (Food & Drink)
3. Harakat o Sukoon Badani (Bodily Movement & Repose)
4. Harakat o Sukoon Nafsani (Psychic Movement & Repose)
5. Naum o Yaqza (Sleep and Wakefulness)
6. Ihtibas o Istifragh (Retention and Evacuation)

Regimenal therapy
Unani System of Medicine makes use of certain special modes and regimens ofdiet,physical movements,lifestyle etc.and techniques such as cupping (Ḥijāmat),leeching (Ta‘līq),venesection (Faṣd) eliminate the morbid humours from the body (Tanqiya),Massage (Dalk),Purgation (Ishāl),Emesis (Qay’),About Unani – Strength of UnaniDiuresis (Idrār-i Bawl),Enema (Ḥuqna),Diaphoresis (Ta‘rīq),Expectoration (Tanfīth),Counter Irritation (Īlām),Sitz Bath (Ābzan) etc.Some other regimens are also used for elimination/diversion of morbid material or resolution of the inflammation, e.g. Turkish bath (Ḥammām), Irrigation (Natūl), Fomentation (Takmīd) etc.
Regimenal therapy
Unani System of Medicine makes use of certain special modes and regimens of diet, physical movements, lifestyle etc. and techniques such as cupping (Ḥijāmat), leeching (Ta‘līq), venesection (Faṣd), etc. to eliminate the morbid humours from the body (Tanqiya), Massage (Dalk), Purgation (Ishāl), Emesis (Qay’), Diuresis (Idrār-i Bawl), Enema (Ḥuqna), Diaphoresis (Ta‘rīq), Expectoration (Tanfīth), Counter Irritation (Īlām), Sitz Bath (Ābzan) etc. Some other regimens are also used for limination/diversion of morbid material or resolution of the inflammation, e.g. Turkish bath (Ḥammām), Irrigation (Natūl), Fomentation (Takmīd), etc.

Unani System of Medicine believes that the real physician is the body’s intrinsic power of healing and maintaining its normal state of health (Ṭabī‘at). In diseases like Tuberculosis, AIDS, Cancer etc. where the long-term therapy is required, the Unani drugs, used as adjuvant, play an important role in reducing the toxicity of the synthetic drugs and in modulating or enhancing the body immunity and improving the overall quality of life.

Tonics (Muqawwiyāt)
The concept of using organ- and system specific tonics is a unique feature of Unani System of Medicine. Unani physicians have described a number of drugs to strengthen and tone up various vital organs of the body. The literature is replete with a number of these formulations such as Cardiac Tonics (Muqawwiyāt-i Qalb) -Liver Tonics (Muqawwiyāt-i Jigar), Kidney Tonics (Muqawwiyāt-i Kuliya), Tonics improving digestive power (Muqawwiyāt-i Mi‘da o Am‘ā’).

Exhilarants (Mufarriḥāt)
This is a special group of drugs which creates feeling of happiness by relaxing the mind and heart from various stresses. This group of drugs is used in the management of neuropsychiatric and cardiac disorders e.g. Anxiety, Depression, Palpitation etc. These drugs also create an overall feeling of wellbeing, which is a uniqueness of Unani System of Medicine.